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Short Stories

Short Stories by Kimberley

Childhood Memories

Remembering Life Before the Internet: A Nostalgic Journey

May 27, 2024

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s hard to imagine life without the internet. Yet, just a few decades ago, people navigated daily life without the digital tools and conveniences we now take for granted. Life before the internet was marked by a slower pace, different social interactions, and unique ways of accessing information and entertainment. Today’s WordPress prompt has taken me back to simpler times and I am happy to take this trip down memory lane.

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Childhood Memories

Gran’ Market Chronicles: A Reflection of Gran’ Market in Jamaica

December 24, 2023

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the streets people peddled their wares, while children enjoyed their treats *snap, snap, snap*. Growing up in Jamaica one of the things I looked forward to the most at Christmastime was our Grand Market. Gran’ Market is held annually on Christmas Eve and is a huge event that takes place in towns and cities across the island. It is generally an all-day event that involves food, music and shopping. Christmas is right around the corner and since we are so close to the big day I wanted to share my memories of Gran’ market.

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Short Stories

Act of Kindness

January 5, 2021

“Why are you chasing me?” Miri yelled back at her perpetrator.
She turned around in time to see that she was nearing the edge of a cliff, but it was too late to stop and she went over the edge. Miri landed on the floor with a thud, she had fallen out of bed. Once again she dreamt that someone was chasing her, however, she couldn’t see who it was. She picked herself off the floor and was about to get back into bed when her alarm rang out. It was time to get ready for school.

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