
The Mystery Blogger Award

January 23, 2020

I'm super excited and honored to have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by Kimberlie over on PHraseD. Check out her website for all your professional writing needs, she'll help you "make the write impact". If you are ever in a bad mood and need a good laugh she also has the most hilarious stories of her childhood days in Jamaica.

Thank you so much Kimberlie, for thinking of me. This is a major milestone in my blogging journey so I'm literally grinning from ear to ear writing this.

What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

Okoto Enigma created this award as a way for blogs that haven't been discovered, to gain some recognition.

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. - Okoto Enigma

Mystery Blogger Award Rules

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4.  Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about you
  6. Nominate 10-20 people
  7. Notify your nominees
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions; include a weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

3 Things About Me

  • I don't eat peas (kidney beans, gungo peas). Rice and peas is a staple dish in Jamaica and I will remove every grain of peas or eat around them. Don't ask me how I do it.
  • I can't swim but I love going to the beach. I intend to rectify this by the end of the year.
  • I love speaking with different accents and so far I'm really good with the British and Nigerian accents. This love and appreciation for accents and languages stemmed from studying Linguistics in university.

My Questions from Kimberlie

1. What was the last book you read or movie you saw? Did you like it?

The last movie I saw was 'Black and Blue'. This movie explored a lot of real life issues including; racial profiling, gang violence and corruption in the police force. I experienced so many emotions watching this movie. Suffice to say I really liked it.

2. Who was your favorite teacher in school?

I was blessed with a lot of amazing teachers throughout high school so this is not an easy decision. However, if I have to choose I can narrow it down to two. I can have two favourites right? Right. My sixth form History teacher Ms Bullens and Literatures in English teacher Ms Golding were the best. They were young so they could really relate to us as students. They both encouraged us and had they're unique way of making lessons fun. Truth be told those were the two classes in which we got to watch movies so yea, they were my favourite 😁.

3. What’s your biggest writing struggle?

My biggest writing struggle at this time is getting the time to write. I work long hours and sometimes by the time I'm home I only have time to grab a bite, have a bath and hit the pillows. I blame my poor time management skills, which I'm working on.

4. Werewolf or vampire (my weird question)?

Vampire - Due to my (self-proclaimed) vast knowledge of vampires and werewolves from watching  the shows 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'The Originals' in their entirety. I think I would prefer not to have my bones broken everytime there's a full moon just so I can transform into a hairy creature. Vampires have a certain sense of sophistication. They also have the ability to compel people and even though I know I would probably abuse it, that would be a cool super power.

5. Which song could you listen to on repeat forever?

The song I could listen on repeat forever is 'Rather be' by Clean Bandit ft Jess Glynne. It's a really fun song and I had it as my ringtone for almost two years.



5 Questions for My Nominees

  1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
  2. How do you deal with writer's block?
  3. What is your favourite inspirational quote?
  4. If your life story became a movie which actor/actress would you want to play you and why?
  5. What's your idea for the next greatest invention (weird question)?

My Best Posts

The Ultimate Portland Adventure with Tek-a-trip Jamaica

My Favourite Christmas Memory

9 Things You Should Do At Margaritaville Ocho Rios

See you next post!

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